Monday, 21 July 2014

Make a better future for sea turtles

 Hi guys, I am one of the TurtleBots – Nicole Lai. In spite of “Ring A Life” event had comes to the end, I would like to give appreciation again to WWF Malaysia and Microsoft for giving us a chance to conduct this event. Throughout this event, I’ve learnt a lot regarding on how WWF Malaysia paying effort in protecting and saving sea turtles’ lives. How about you guys? Are you having a same thought with me as well? 


Let me introduce the booth I’ve in charged during the event – “Conservation”. The motive of this booth exactly same as the title, to protect the sea turtles’ eggs in order to rejuvenate the population and also maintain its livelihood from being extinct. Just in case you’re not clear about the process, I’m glad to explain again with the pictures provided below:

Step 1: WWF- Malaysia’s field biologists will transfer the eggs from the nesting beach to the hatchery carefully to make sure the turtle eggs does not break easily and protected from poachers.
Step 2: After the Turtle Guardians have collected dozens of eggs, they will immediately put the eggs into deep sands and wait for hatching. Sea turtle eggs need certain temperature to hatch. For your information, the temperature set will decides the gender of the sea turtle babies. 30 degree Celsius needed for female babies and 28 degree Celsius for male babies. It sounds cool right?
Step 3: Once hatching success, turtle babies will start to climb on to the ground. The purpose of the fencing is to protect them from being eaten by birds or lizards and make sure they’re not running away.
Step 4: After the eggs have done hatching, turtle guardians will send the sea turtle babies back to the sea and begin their new lives in nature.
TurtleBots in charged in the house – Jean & Nicole

.Although keep repeating the same message to the audience is kind of tiring, but I’m still proud of myself that I got the chance to make you guys understand how important the role of WWF Malaysia in saving sea turtles’ lives. It’s definitely worth it at the moment I saw the audience nodded their head while I’m explaining to them. (Guess they got me right. *Smiling*)

Again, I would like to thanks to my partner, Jean who help me out during the whole preparation for setting up this booth. We spent our time together to find information, decorate our booth, and prepare the sample. *claps claps*
TurtleBots explain the process of sea turtles’ conservation to the special VIP
As what Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”. I’m glad that all of us able to achieve the objectives of this event, collecting old gadgets to save sea turtles’ lives. Again, I have to mention, 1346 devices are collected! Keep it up guys, it is not the end. Continue the mission and spread it out to each other. FIGHTING!

Written by,

Nicole Yen Ping. 

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