Friday, 18 July 2014

TAR UC Successfully Ended the Campaign with the Collection of 1346 Recycling Phone

First of all, well done TurtleBots!!!
Our three days campaign, “Ring A Life” have successfully ended and the TurtleBots (crews) are able to break through the pass three years records which we managed to collect a total amount of 1346 unwanted phones, tablets and laptops. Therefore, 1346 of sea turtles will be benefitted under the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Malaysia’s sea turtle conservation program.

Figure 1: TurtleBots were “Ringing” with our successful result together.

I am one of the members from Media Relations Team in the “Ring A Life” campaign, and for me this is the very first campaign has given me a precious opportunity in approaching with media and experiencing how to work together with media, which all those I can never learn from the pass theoretical learning. Especially, it is very less opportunity for university college’s students like us to work together with big corporations like Microsoft Devices and WWF-Malaysia.

In addition, every single media paper works to be done was tougher than what I have imagined and predicted before the campaign. For instance, when the first time we approached media, my team members and I found out that not many media were not able to attend our launching ceremony or rejected our invitation, we did feel depressed at the moment, but at the end we did not give up and try our best to write an impressive post event release and hopefully can make the media to cover and publish our news.  

Figure 2: First experience while approaching the Media.

Furthermore, the way we practice writing press release in tutorial class is a big different when it came to a real campaign, especially when I need to write in a Chinese version press release. Every single word when typed out, I have to think and structure the sentence carefully and smoothly. Therefore, today when the campaign ended after 5pm, my team members and I stayed until 11pm to produce a post event release. From that, I would like to thank our campaign advisory, Ms. Lim Siz Siz in guiding us patiently in the whole writing process.

“Ring A Life” is a very meaningful phone recycling campaign in order to save sea turtle, therefore, our action will never end after these three days campaign. TurtleBots will continue in sharing and conveying the message at Primary and Secondary schools around Setapak area in order to educate them the responsibility and habit to protect and conserve the environmental and the ocean. So, stay tune and check our information from the official Facebook Website:

Written by,
Khaw Pui Koon

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